Rocked by rain
This past Saturday, the garden got hit by a HUGE afternoon thunderstorm! Over 2 and a half inches of rain, strong winds, hail - it was a doozy. The garden fared alright for the most part, though we did have some casualties - many of the tomato stakes had blown over, as did our shade cloth structures. Most disheartening was seeing our corn nearly all blown sideways! Alas, now that the sun has come out, the corn is slowly doin' its thing and poppin back up. We are proud to pronounce that despite the wind and rain, our beautiful shed still stands! Kudos to Marie, our head shed architect for her sound construction job.Looking ahead this week, we have some new summer goodies making their way into our kitchen - first up, okra! For whatever reason, a lot of people don't grow okra or cook with it, so we hope that some of our CSA'ers will be adventurous and use some of our recipes for using this decidedly southern crop.
We also have an abundance of beans, zucchini, squash, cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers, onions, carrots, beets, basil (oh my GOODNESS so much basil) - and of course, our ever-steady swiss chard and kale. We are also quite excited about our watermelons, which are lookin LARGE and in CHARGE - only a little more time before we get to enjoy them for ourselves!
Well folks, that's what's growing in the garden this week - thanks for checking in!