Prime Real Estate
As Michelle mentioned earlier, we've been building a new chicken coop. In Marie's words, it's a "deluxe condo" and she's right! Our chickens have now moved into a luxury apartment with a nice sheltered area. We're going to add on wheels so that we can easily move it around to new areas of grass for the chickens to munch on. It's still a work in progress, but I think our chickens are happy to have a larger roof and a cozy new home.
This morning we brainstormed and planned for next year over breakfast and coffee. Just a side note, the granola with yogurt and strawberries at Bluegrass Grill is so good! Anyways, we have big plans and ideas for next season. Some are more concrete and set in place, such as our Farm Stand coming to UVa Grounds this Spring. Others are still in the scheming phase, such as our plan for a outdoor classroom and kitchen in one of our quadrants. We are going to expand our garden into the other quadrants, adding in an herb garden corner and creating a growing (literally) model for schoolyard gardens.
For news about the garden, although many of our rows have been put to bed with cover crop, our plants under the season extension are looking good. We've been really lucky with the weather, but these past couple of nights might put the row covers and cold frames to the test. So far so good though!