V for Victory for the Garden
Good news: the season extension is working for sure! Last time I went to the garden (Wednesday morning) I could really tell the difference between our plants covered with the season extension techniques and the plants not covered with season extension. I pulled back our greenhouse plastic covering the spinach and I was floored. It looks so much better than the spinach out in the open air. It's much greener and larger. Also, I think deer have gotten into our garden and eaten some of the open-air spinach. There's some pretty incriminating hoof-prints all over there.
One of the biggest surprises for me was our broccoli. I had kind of forgotten about in, being tucked away under the row cover (the broccoli, not me). When I uncovered it though, wow! I couldn't believe how great they're doing. It's actually beginning to bloom! I picked a couple of heads and am going to cook them for dinner tonight with the family. Huzzah!
My exams are all over now (finally) and now I'm at home. I'm still planning to come out to our garden a few times over break to check on how things are going and help Michelle and Marie with any winter-time projects. Here's to more success in the garden!