Many hands make light work!
The Morven Summer Institute is in full swing, which is GREAT because it means that there is an abundance of helping hands in the Kitchen Garden. Last Friday, we had nearly 10 students helping us harvest a big crop for a produce order from the Boar's Head Inn restaurant.Together we harvested a colorful bounty of mixed lettuces, specialty greens, pea shoots, kale, and radishes. Once everything was picked, it washed and packed up -- soon to be served to guests of the Boar's Head! The partnership with the Boar's Head is one that we are thrilled to foster, and we are pleased that their chefs have made a dedication to supporting local food and are always eager to bring our produce into their kitchens.
In addition to harvesting all sorts of leafy greens, the past few days in the Kitchen Garden have been spent planting our summer transplants -- tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant! Because we love to experiment with many different varieties of each plant, we're planting over 10 varieties of tomatoes and 6 kinds of peppers. Not only does each variety have its own unique taste and physical appearance, but they tend to mature at different times, which means that crops ripen at staggered intervals, which makes it easier when it comes time to harvest.
Everywhere you look in the garden, things are green and growing FAST thanks to all the rain and sunshine we've been getting this spring -- the potatoes are flowering, the onions are getting taller and bigger each day, sugar snap peas continue to climb, the broccoli is getting ready to harvest, lettuces are bountiful, and the radishes are making their way onto our dinner plates every night!
As you can see, we're keeping busy and eating well these days in the garden. Be on the lookout soon for information on how to sign up for our highly popular CSA Program! Also coming up this week, you'll be meeting Libby Lyon, who will be joining Rowan as a star Kitchen Garden apprentice all summer long! Libby, Rowan, and I will be updating this blog three times a week to make sure that you all get your fill of all the happenings in the garden.Any of you readers have your own gardens you're working in this season? Tell us what you're growing! What are you cooking? We'd love to hear from you.