Squash Discoveries and a Hot Sun
This past week in the garden has been a super busy one! Michelle and Libby went to California for an Edible Schoolyard Garden conference, so Marie and I held down the fort. Now only was it busy, but it became real hot real fast about mid-way through the week. Unfortunately, it's not looking like it's going to get much cooler in the coming days!
One morning I was checking the squash and zucchini for squash bugs, and I stumbled upon several discoveries. First, there were in fact a few squash bug eggs on the undersides of the plants' leaves. However, there weren't nearly as many as there were last year, so that's a good sign. At first I couldn't remember how I used to kill the eggs, but I remembered, oh yeah! I can just squish them between my fingers.
I also discovered that my bees love the squash flowers. Especially in the earlier parts of the morning, the blossoms are a-buzz with bees. We are going to have some serious pollination of those squash. My third discovery was then a result of what was happening from the second discovery. I found lots of baby squash! This coming week we should be able to harvest some! It's finally the beginning of squash season here in the MKG.
The CSA this week was great. We had three new items this week: beets, carrots, and baby radishes. We also had cabbage, Swiss chard, kale, and onions. Our root vegetables are looking better and better as our soil improves. They look so beautiful this year.
I hope we get some rain this coming week, but maybe not quite so intense as the storms we had come through this weekend. We will see!