A New CSA Session Begins
Amongst other things, gardening is about patience and sudden surprises. Our bush beans are blooming, but I have not yet seen any beans. The bumble bees are all over the flowers though!The corn is another example of when patience comes into play. Although it seems to grow each day, I can't wait to taste our own Morven corn. It is almost knee-high, and some of the pole beans and squash that we planted last week are sprouting. I'm interested to see if the Three Sisters technique will work this year for us.
Even though I'm waiting for some of the vegetables to be ready to harvest, some of the other ones suddenly surprise me and are ready to go. This week we harvested eggplants and cucumbers for the first time! Although we didn't have enough to give to our CSA, we did sell some eggplants at our Farm Stand this week!
Speaking of the CSA, this week we started our second summer session. We have some returning members but also a lot of new faces. We also have the biggest group we've ever had: 16 people! We still had plenty of vegetables for everyone and had quite a spread this week. The share included squash, beets, carrots, cabbage, radishes, cherry tomatoes, a bag of purslane (an herb), Swiss chard and kale, and a bunch of mint. What a great start to the new session!