August bounty
Wondering where we've been lately? Well, let's just say that the incredible bounty that cometh every August has us doing all we can to keep up with all the ripe tomatoes, squash, beans, okra, melons, basil, eggplant, swiss chard.. oh my! While it is definitely a lot of work to get everything picked and into our CSA shares and restaurant kitchens, we certainly aren't complaining!The weather here in Charlottesville has been absolutely perfect for gardening the past few weeks -- a spotty thunderstorm seems to come by just when our plants are looking a little thirsty, and the mornings and evenings are nice and cool and bug-free -- perfect for a quiet few hours working in the garden.
Thanks to all the help from the guys at Morven, our groundhog situation has seriously improved! While we still get an animal getting in every now and then to nibble on our produce, for the most part we seem to be groundhog-free.A few more updates and dates for your calendars:
- Thursday, September 13th -- Back to School BBQ @ Morven! Kick off the fall season and join us at Morven for some delicious BBQ, plus learn how to get more involved at Morven this year! RSVP by sending an email to
- There are still a few spots left to join the Morven September CSA! Shares are $50 for 4 weeks of produce, an extra $6 to receive a half dozen eggs each week. Sign up by sending an email to Rowan ( Curious what kinds of veggies will be in your boxes next month? Check out the photos below to tease your taste-buds and inspire your inner chef...