We're Back!
While it's been a few weeks since we last posted, we've still been keeping busy in the garden! We all almost all the way in fall mode, with our okra and green beans still hanging in there. A couple of weeks ago the PVCC (Piedmont Virginia Community College) Horticulture class helped us pull up all of our tomatoes (it was time). Last Friday we pulled up all of our eggplants and pretty soon our okra will go too. The green beans are going strong though!
As the weather fluctuates between 80 degrees and 50, our summer plants are leaving and our fall plants are thriving. The lettuces are pristine and the beets and carrots have sprouted and are growing past their delicate phase. The broccoli leaves are robust and expansive, and I keep checking for those tiny florets to appear. Maybe not too much longer!
In other news, we've started our October CSA session. We have decided to try a different model: this time, we are requiring our CSA members to come out to Morven to pick up their weekly share of vegetables. I really like this approach because it encourages our CSA-ers to have more interactions with our garden and how their food is grown. Last Friday three of our CSA-ers helped us out in the garden and picked and put together their ow bags for this week. So far, our new CSA model is going well.Besides all of the vegetables, I love the mist in fall. In the early mornings our garden will sometimes be blanketed in mist and it will slowly rise and evaporate off as the sun rises and warms up the air. By the time I leave the garden, all of the mist has gone, but the dew still clings to the kale. Fall is a wonderful time of year!