Vampires Beware
I went to the garden last weekend to check up on things and see what's still growing. I was surprised at how much is still alive! The broccoli, for example, is still hanging in there and tastes great. It has remained uncovered this entire season, and although it hasn't been too cold this winter so far, I'm still impressed that it's still alive.The wind had blown off our Frost Guard row covers again, so I fixed those. In a way, it was nice that the covers were off because then I could easily check and see how everything usually underneath them was doing.
This news about the row covers though isn't my most exciting news though. In fact, I have two bits of exciting news!
Our garlic has sprouted and looks great! We tried a little bit of an experiment with the garlic. When we planted it, we peeled half of the bulbs and we didn't peel the other half of the bulbs. It turns out that peeling them doesn't make any difference from how they grow or how soon they sprout. I couldn't tell any difference.
Quadrant 4 is all plowed up! One of the Biology professors at UVa is doing an experiment with tracking sunflowers' phototrophic movement throughout the course of a day. The sunflowers are first going to be planted in Quad 4, so now we can see all of that rich red clay soil. I am especially excited about the sunflowers because bees love those flowers! Good news for my bees!
This weekend, our MKG team is going to get together to pick and order seed varieties for this next season! This is always a fun time, full of possibilities.