Mini Update
Hi MKG friends!Long time, no blogging! Sorry for the hiatus from the Internet, but don't fret - much garden prep, greenhouse care, and planting has been happening in the past few weeks! Hopefully Rowan will be on here soon with a more detailed update, but today we planted the Swiss Chard! We started those seeds back in February, and they've been in the greenhouse ever since.Remember these?They've grown up quite a bit! Hello, adolescent (?) Swiss Chard!
Mhmm, they are so good looking. Planting these babies was pretty simple. The hardest part was done by Rowan, which was tilling the rows.Planting Swiss Chard:1) Spread compost on the rows.2) Till it up to mix the compost with the soil that's already there.3) Dig holes about one trough apart (~1 foot) for each of the plants.4) Put compost in the holes and mix it up with the rest of the dirt.5) Put the baby plant in the hole, making sure to loosen up the dirt around the roots.6) Stabilize the plant by putting dirt around its base.7) Sprinkle with a little more compost.8) Surround with hay (to maintain moisture until you can water the plants again) and water. Done!
Rowan doing her thing - till it girl!Until next time!