Summer in Review by Tom Jackson
WHOA! What a heck of a summer it was!Let me introduce you to the Team...On the left is me, Tom Jackson, and on the right is Maria Rincon. We were the summer interns who toiled away running the CSA and making sure plants were growing instead of dying. In the middle is Emily Salle, the Farm Manager and overall show-runner. Here we are giving away cucumbers at Para Coffee (it's still Para Coffee to me) because we had too many of them to give all to our CSA members in good conscious. Like seriously. We're talkin' hundreds here people.Below is Broghan Kelly, one of our lovely volunteers. She's presiding over one of our CSA pickups at HackCville..
Also, shout-out to Emily Hastings, one of our most reliable and hardest-working volunteers. Workdays with Emily went like this:Emily: "So what can I help with today?"Me: "Well, we need to completely till this row by hand. Just dig up all the dirt and turn it over again. Here's a rusty spoon. I'm going to be over frolicking in the sunflower field if you need me."Emily: "Great!"She was awesome. (and also a CSA member!)
Here are some photos of the summer CSA experience:

Some obligatory crop shots...

Here is a crazy before and after sequence...

We saw some really neat natures...