In Which our Garden Takes the Spotlight, the Chickens Invite Themselves on a Tour of the Plot, and We Rediscover the Taste of a Special Friday Watermelon
As you can tell by this post's title, so much has happened in the garden recently! It may be because this past Wednesday evening was the first time I had been to Morven in about two weeks, but we have had lots of excitement in the past few days.As I said earlier, Judith and I joined Michelle in the garden Wednesday evening to hit the dirt, do some weeding, and prep beds for our lettuce, spinach, and kale seeds. It was so wonderful to be out there again! I didn't realize how much I missed it until I was there again, and it felt so natural. I'm so happy to be back!
Today was our first CSA pick-up day of our fall CSA session. Joining us in the garden this morning for our harvest was a group of young film-makers who filmed us picking and washing the vegetables. They asked lots of questions, and we had tons of fun sharing our stories from the past months! They are working on filming a series about local food, and I wish them the best of luck!
Our CSA this week was one of the biggest yet. I haven't totalled the weights of all of the vegetables we packed and sent home with our CSA-ers, but with zucchinis weighing about 2 pounds each, we harvested quite a load this week! Also, we had some new additions to our CSA shares; besides corn, we also gave each person a quarter of a watermelon! When we were harvesting the watermelons, we accidentally dropped one, and it burst in half (it was so ripe and fresh)! Needless to say, we all enjoyed a fruitful breakfast :)