With Tummies Full of BBQ
Yesterday we had our Back 2 School BBQ in the garden, and it was super fun! Not only was the barbecue good (thank you Jinx's BBQ!), but we had lots of people come, including students, professors, and employees of Morven. We all enjoyed our sandwiches, coleslaw, and fresh cut tomatoes and watermelon from our garden together. Having events like these in our garden makes me appreciate even more how much help we have had to get to this point. We are so thankful for all of our support from the wonderful workers at Morven, the UVA Foundation, the Parents' Committee, UVA Green Dining, our farmer mentors Barbara and Joe, and all of our other friends!The rainstorm this morning delayed our harvest for the CSA a little, and we took refuge in Michelle and Marie's house for about a half hour as the rain pounded on the roof. This gave Judith and I a chance to play with the chicks though, now about two weeks old. They are so cute! They run around and seem very comfortable and happy in their bathtub home. I can tell they've grown a little, and they have tiny little tail-feathers sticking out their back ends. I'm so curious to see what their feathering coloring will be!
Watermelon madness! We picked more watermelons for our CSA today, and they are quick a load to carry (see picture of Judith below!). Although we did not have corn this week for our CSA since it's pretty much done, we did have green beans, carrots, and beets as new additions for the shares this week. Our peppers and tomatoes continue to produce lots; we had 44 bell peppers this week and I don't even know how many jalapeno peppers we had. If only I could figure out something to do with the 28 jalapenos I have in my fridge right now...