Fall planting continues..
Yesterday morning we planted some more lettuce and spinach seeds - which we will cover with a number of different kinds of season extension methods to see what works and what doesn't! If all goes well, we will have greens going all through the winter months. We are especially excited about our spinach - which tastes absolutely divine after frost! We also just ordered garlic bulbs, carrots seeds, and hard red winter wheat (for a cover crop) to plant soon too.
We are excited to announce that we will be kick-starting a "greens" CSA next week. With the nice fall we have been having, we will give our new CSAers some of the last tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants that are still ripening. We plan to cap the group at eight people again, so we are first contacting the people on our wait list for the CSA. There are just a few spots left in this CSA session - let us know if you are interested!