Fields of Herbs
Our garden is back in motion! Thanks to the greenhouse space lent to us by the wonderful workers at Morven, we kicked off the planting season (round one) with swiss chard, kale, buttercrunch lettuce, and leeks two weeks ago. The swiss chard is already peeking out of the soil! I'm closely monitoring the leeks, which I am most curious about, having never grown them before.
Last week we planted lots and lots of herbs- a whole flat (that's about 40 individual spaces) of each. The list includes: lavender, dill, cilantro, parsley, rosemary, thyme, marjoram, lemon balm, and sage. We're planning to fill one of our quadrants with herbs and flowers this year, so here's to hoping for a flavorful and colorful year!
In our garden, we still have plants growing, particularly our Red Russian Kale. I can vouch that it tastes absolutely divine in a veggie egg scramble. Our beets are still hanging in there, and our broccoli is chilling beneath its row cover.
In sad news, our rooster, Colonel, and all but one of our hens were eaten by coyotes. I guess they (the coyotes, I mean) got too hungry during the winter. Our surviving hen, Tom (the white one), we gave to one of our friends who has chickens to foster until we revamp our electric fence and defense system. She is adjusting well. We would like to start another family of hens and a rooster this summer.
With the weather zig-zagging between warm days and cool ones, my mind turns to spring and, soon, summer. I will be apprenticing at our garden again, which I am so excited about!