Breaking Ground
Houston, we have a new quadrant!After over a year of dreaming of the day when we would finally break new ground in the Kitchen Garden's third quadrant, last weekend we finally made it happen! Thanks to the help of 1 hefty rototiller and 9 stellar students from a summer Horticulture course hosted by PVCC, a fresh patch of Virginia dirt was tilled, prepped, planted and watered -- all in one morning! It never ceases to amaze me the truth of the adage: "many hands make light work" !
Though the new quadrant isn't finished quite yet, we've already planted 9 different kinds of herbs, a plethora of different flowers and sweet potatoes, along with many varieties of cantaloupe and watermelons. Next up: corn!
Stayed tuned for more updates this week on our progress in the new quadrant, plus -- this week marks the start of the Morven Kitchen Garden CSA Program! 14 local shareholders will now begin receiving weekly boxes of freshly picked produce each Thursday afternoon. We will also be sharing receipes on the blog for everyone to get inspired to get cookin' in the kitchen with their bounty of veggies!