Introduction & Carrot Breaks!

Hello everyone! My name is Libby Lyon and I am so happy to be apprenticing at the Morven Kitchen Garden this summer. I've already learned a ton in the couple of weeks I've been out at Morven, and there is much more to learn, still!Today, Rowan and I started off the morning with some good ole mulching while Michelle worked her rototiller magic (where we're going to plant corn hopefully tomorrow morning!). While we were mulching we noticed that some of the melons are already beginning to pop out of the ground - little green vines and leaves. After a sugar snap pea break, we weeded, thinned the beets and carrots, and gave some pyrethrin lovin' to the eggplants.The temperature really started rising at around 9AM, but we continued to weed and chat. After weeding we decided to take a carrot break - they were so good!20120613-154012.jpgAfter our carrot break we tackled the two rows of broccoli. Some of it had bolted, but we were able to harvest a lot of it in preparation for our CSA tomorrow. After washing the broccoli, Rowan and I ended with another carrot each. What a great morning!We are all so excited for the first day of our CSA tomorrow! We'll be harvesting kale, swiss chard, mixed lettuce greens, spring onions, garlic, turnips, and assorted herbs in addition to the broccoli we harvested today. In addition to picking up veggies, our very own Sarah Steely has put together an awesome group of recipes for the CSAers, to be posted on the blog later.  Get ready!Until next Wednesday!


Luck and a Pyramid of Onions


Breaking Ground