Ankle high by July?
It's safe to say that after all the heat and sunshine we had last week, our veggies were loving yesterday's rain and cool temperatures. Libby and I started working bright and early Monday trellising the tomatoes in what seemed to be just a light drizzle… which by 8am quickly became a DOWNPOUR as we (laughably) attempted to rototill the new Quadrant C to prep for corn planting! (Side note: yes, we realize that we are WAY behind on our corn planting -- but hey, better late than never, right?)Luckily, we got through most of the tilling, which meant that TODAY our corn finally went in the ground! You know that old saying, that corn should be "knee high by July?" Well, considering that the month of July is a mere 11 days away, we'll be happy if our corn is just ankle high!What else is growing in the garden this time of year? Here's a little tour around to show you what we're excited about this week! We have some very healthy looking flowering squash and zucchini plants...
We've already pulled some of our garlic, but we still have a few different varieties that needed more time in the ground, and they are looking beautiful..
They still aren't out of the woods yet, but we are feeling hopeful that our Eggplant have successfully fended off attacks from the flea beetles and will soon be providing us with delicious purple fruit! Slowly but surely..
.. and we're pretty proud of our bodacious cabbage heads! CSA members -- be on the lookout for these beauties in your box this week...
That's your sneak peak for this week -- if you want to see the growing garden with your own eyes (and perhaps help pull some weeds...) we're always happy to have volunteers in the mornings! Just shoot an email to if you're interested in early mornings, fresh picked veggies, and dirty fingernails.