Luck and a Pyramid of Onions
Last Thursday marked the first day of our first summer CSA session! With 13 CSA members this week, we needed plenty to harvest and package for each share. Luckily, we didn't have to look very far in our garden. It may have helped too that I found four-leaf clover that morning!
CSA mornings are always rapid-fire and exciting, so we started off right at 6am. After we planted the beets, we shifted into full harvest-mode. Onions, broccoli, lettuce, herbs, sugar snap peas, kale and Swiss chard. Our CSA share also included garlic bulbs which we had dried. Our kale bunches were just about the biggest I had ever seen. To give you an idea of just how big they were, they weighed about 0.75 pounds each! Our onions also were huge; in fact, everything looked lush and healthy. In all, we gave our CSA-ers about 50 pounds of vegetables!
We set up our pick-up station at a different spot than last year. This year we are going to be stationed at the plaza between Newcomb, Monroe, and Brown College. It's an awesome spot because: a) we get a fair amount of foot-traffic by us (great for publicity!); b) there's shade (although it was cool and cloudy on Thursday); and c) it's right near where we can park.Unloading everything went really smoothly, and all of the CSA-ers came within our two-hour timeframe. I loved meeting everyone and telling them about our garden and the vegetables. Although I was exhausted by the end, it was a really great day and I'm looking forward to Week 2 next Thursday!