It's Beginning to Feel a lot like Fall!
This morning dawned bright, clear, and ... quite chilly! We were taken a little bit by surprise by it! I love fall weather and especially brisk mornings, but I was not quite prepared for the quick jump to 40-degree weather. When the sun came out though, we warmed up and felt much better. The garden has a wonderful fresh and crisp feeling right now with the fall crops coming in and sprouting up. In addition to our lettuce and snap peas, we now have broccoli, kale, cabbage, rutabagas, turnips, and more beets and carrots in the ground. Soon we will plant cauliflower, more broccoli and peas, spinach, and hopefully some butternut squash. This morning, we were able to harvest enough lettuce, pea shoots, and kale for a salad mix to give our CSA-ers, so they (the plants, and hopefully our CSA-ers too) are quite enjoying themselves!
Speaking of our CSA, this week was the last week of our Fall CSA Session (the first one, at least). The plant clock of our garden actually lined up perfectly with our CSA schedule! Most of our summer crops are on the way out, as we harvested almost all of our bush beans today and only two squash. With the cooler weather too, I think many of our summery plants will stop producing (e.g., okra, tomatoes, and peppers). I hope that our fall crops will begin producing around the same time because I'd love to have another Fall CSA Session in a couple of weeks. We will see!